Li King King is an Experimental Economist. He is currently an associate professor at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. Previously, he was on the faculty of Shenzhen University, City University of Hong Kong, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and postdoc at Max Planck Institute of Economics in Germany. His research interests are in Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, and Behavioral Finance. He is the first to use Experimental Economics to study the effect of language on decision making (Li, 2017, JEconPsy), memory recall biases (Li, 2013, ExpEcon), and preference for randomization (Li, 2011, JRU).

Li is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, and Applied Psychology: An International Review. Professor Li’s recent research topics include neutrality of money, investor behavior, and field experiments related to environmental protection and labor market discrimination. 

李景景博士是一位实验经济学家。他現為香港恒生大學副教授。在此之前,他曾在深圳大学 (副教授)、香港城市大学(助理教授)、上海財經大學(助理教授)和德國Max Planck Institute of Economics(博士后)工作。

李教授的研究兴趣为实验经济学、行为经济学和行为金融。他是首位使用实验经济学方法研究语言和决策 (Li, 2017, JEconPsy) 、记忆偏见 (Li, 2013, ExpEcon) 和随机偏好 (Li, 2011, JRU)的学者。

他是期刊 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 的 副主编(Associate Editor) 和期刊 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics、Frontiers in Behavioral Economics、Applied Psychology: An International Review 的编辑委员会成员。李教授最近的研究题目包括货币中性、投资者行为,和与环境保护、劳动力市场歧视相关的实地实验。

李景景博士是一位實驗經濟學家。他現為香港恒生大學副教授。在此之前,他曾在深圳大学 (副教授)、香港城市大學(助理教授)、上海財經大學(助理教授)和德國Max Planck Institute of Economics(博士後)工作。李教授的研究興趣為實驗經濟學、行為經濟學和行為金融。他是首位使用實驗經濟學方法研究語言和決策 (Li, 2017, JEconPsy) 、記憶偏見 (Li, 2013, ExpEcon) 和隨機偏好 (Li, 2011, JRU)的學者。他是期刊 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 的 副主编 (Associate Editor) 和期刊 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics、Frontiers in Behavioral Economics、Applied Psychology: An International Review 的編輯委員會成員。李教授最近的研究題目包括貨幣中性、投資者行為,和與環境保護、勞動力市場歧視相關的實地實驗。

Say what you believe. Do valuable things. 
說自己相信的, 做有價值的事。